Arab Today
August 31, 2014
This isn't a good time to gamble. Keep your money in the bank, where it can multiply and grow. If you're looking for adventure, wait. Venturing into unfamiliar territory could be disastrous. You're better off sticking to familiar routines. Volunteering to do extra work will put you in good standing with your boss. If you have to sacrifice some free time, don't worry. Your sacrifice will pay off. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner will be happy to run some household errands while you're busy.
Weekly Horoscopes
Steeping yourself in the world of art and entertainment can be relaxing. You're tired of being stuck inside your head. Movies, concerts and plays will stimulate your imagination. Don't be surprised when you feel compelled to launch your own creative project. Look for ways to be of service to a colleague who has always been helpful. What goes around usually comes around. Let the good energy between you continue to flow. Your employer will be impressed by your cooperative attitude.
When you turn on the charm few people can resist giving in to you. It won't take long to persuade a partner to go along with some plans you are making. A friend might jokingly accuse you of being manipulative. Nothing could be further from the truth. You know in your heart that your ideas will benefit a number of people. So all you are doing is giving them a gentle push in the direction that's right for them.
August 2014 Horoscope
You won't get much sympathy from family members as July turns to August. Professional matters will be more successful. Take this opportunity to ask for vacation time or get some extra perks. The first half of August is ideal for having fun in the sun. Head off to a festive city by the sea. The Full Moon on the 10th puts strain on an intimate relationship. It may be difficult to get your physical needs met. Spend the second half of the month ramping up your appearance. Some attractive new clothes and toiletries will bring your sensual side to the surface. The third week of August will turn out to be very productive; don't be surprised when an executive singles you out for favourable attention. The 25th marks a health oriented New Moon. This is the best time to launch a fitness programme, but resist the urge to overdo it. Slow and steady wins the race.
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